Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Transfer students often wonder why they have to attend an Orientation Program at UMD. You've already been to another university or college, right? You know how to take classes, how to park your car, how to study and join a club, right?

Well, not so fast. You may know how to do all those things and more at your previous institution, but things at UMD are a bit different.

Our Orientation Program sets you up for success for your first few weeks of school so that you can continue to utilize the other resources on campus for the rest of your tenure on campus. The Orientation Program has its foundation in literature on the transfer student experience. This literature comes from national studies conducted by the leading researchers on these subjects as well as literature from a campus working group that surveyed the transfer population in 2005. Based on this information, we have formulated a program that we think provides just the right amount of information for our new transfer students.

We go over how to get involved on campus including using our STARS website ( and utilizing the many resources in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union- Center for Campus Life. We talk about off-campus housing options and services, safety on campus, how to register for classes, we provide you with a quick tour of some important hot spots and more importantly, help you connect with students within your major and college.

We believe that you orientation experience will be a great one and we are excited that you are coming to join the Maryland Family!!

What questions do you have about UMD Orientation?


  1. im really excited for orientation! oh but do i really have to take the match placement exam? i already took two semesters at MC

  2. Hey Chris! We are excited to have you at Orientation as well. As a transfer student, you don't have to take the Math Placement Exam unless you are in ENGR, BMGT, CMPS or have a 3.0 GPA in a course equivalent to MAT140 here at UMD. Basically though, you should take it. It will help your advisor help you to decide what math courses you should take it and it is important just in case you switch majors and a different math level is needed. We recommend to all of our students that they take the MPE no matter what type of Math they have previously. It only take a little over an hour to complete.

  3. Hi! My name is Scott Raileanu and I am a Junior Jewish Studies Major this year. Like many of the commentators above me, I too am going to be an Orientation Advisor (OA) for this upcoming summer however I am the only OA that is a former transfer student.

    I wanted to talk a little about transfer orientation and the value in it. For years the Orientation Office has done the best to provide the transfer students with an orientation process that best fits them. As a transfer student that new very few people here at Maryland I was very excited for the beautiful May day when I got to come up to Maryland to start my transfer process. Some transfers think that they are too old for orientation and don’t need it because they have been to college and know what it takes.

    But I want to caution those students as they make their transition to Maryland. For someone that knew what it was like and had studied and knew to find the Library and seek out professors there are some things about our University that you just don’t know yet. Something as little as what the ERC is (Eppley Recreation Center) or what Testudo is… and no I’m not talking about the statue. What I’m trying to get at is that while yes you may have college experience under your belt there are some very knowledgeable and qualified people here in the Orientation office that want to help the transfer students transition to Maryland smoothly. So rather than blow it off or just come to get your new classes, take a minute, get to know your OA and ask some questions. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up like me and become and OA yourself!

  4. Hey everyone,
    My name is Kara McGrath and I am a sophomore government and politics major. One great resource that I have found in my time here at UMD is the Adele H. Stamp Student Union. There are always events going on and this building can be a great resource. SEE (Student Entertainment Events) through Stamp puts on a lot of great events that give students things to do. Last week I went to a fantastic Lewis Black comedy show for $5!

    Another great part about STAMP is that you can rent (for free) lockers in the student union so that you can keep stuff at school if you are a commuter or live far away, or even if you just need more space to store things.

    The student union is a great place to get food, meet with friends, get involved with a student group, or attend fun events!
