Friday, January 15, 2010

Orientation tip: Learn this song!

Hey new terps! Academics is only part of your orientation experience. Traditions and in particular, the Maryland Victory Song is also a part of your orientation experience. And we are going to ask you to stand up and sing along. So, to get you started, watch this Youtube video with the song and lyrics and get ready to sing!

Maryland Victory Song Video


  1. That's actually not a bad idea. I know seniors who still don't know the song.

  2. Hi I'm Sophie, and I'll be an orientation advisor for the summer of 2010. One thing I absolutely love about this school is its traditions. Testudo and Maryland Victory Song being some of them. I love Testudo, and every chance I walk past a Testudo on campus, I always rub his nose for good luck, and I always feel better about going into my test and dominating. So make sure when you pass Testudo, to rub his nose, he'll bring you good luck too.

    Also, I love the Maryland Victory Song. I love singing it, especially when we are victorious. I remember the feeling after we defeat Duke at home, and singing the victory song...ahh what a great day to be a Terp! So next time you're at an athletic event or even watching it on television, sing it, or at least spell Maryland with pride!

  3. Hi I'm Sophie, and I'll be an orientation advisor for the summer of 2010. One thing I absolutely love about this school is its traditions. Testudo and Maryland Victory Song being some of them. I love Testudo, and every chance I walk past a Testudo on campus, I always rub his nose for good luck, and I always feel better about going into my test and dominating. So make sure when you pass Testudo, to rub his nose, he'll bring you good luck too.

    Also, I love the Maryland Victory Song. I love singing it, especially when we are victorious. I remember the feeling after we defeat Duke at home, and singing the victory song...ahh what a great day to be a Terp! So next time you're at an athletic event or even watching it on television, sing it, or at least spell Maryland with pride!
